Saturday, 13 June 2015

How I Juggle Work, College and Blogging

I opted for a bit of a different post but something i wanted to talk about on my blog.
Like pretty much everyone my plate is full. What with the final month of college, making enough money for living and fitting it around a blog schedule which i want to make the best of my abilities it gets stressful.

Let me fill you in a little bit, I'm in my final weeks of Fashion Promotion course. I'm working 4/5 days at Miss Selfridge and I'm blogging once a week which I'm hoping to increase to 2.


Prioritise: What's most important to you?
Don't spread yourself thin: Miss a week of blogging, say no to that extra shift. You come first!
Organise: Write down your rota, plan out your days, make to-do lists.
Weekly Planners: Set your days. I don't like to do a post in a day, i like to take a photo on a Monday, edit it on a Tuesday, write it on a Wednesday, i find it more fun and less last minute and stressful.
Everyone needs a day off: Even you! Allow a pamper day with Netflix and a face mask. It'll do wonders to your stress levels.
Socialise: When I'm busy i often forget about socialising and i feel so much better when i have a little chat with one my friends.
Have fun: If you don't like it, don't do it. Obvious one really but do things for you not because someone asked you to.
Don't forget to sleep: Being busy you have late nights but please try and fit at least 6 hours sleep in and don't substitute it with caffeine!

I hope you bare these tips in mind. They help me to balance things out and keep my stress to a minimum. You can't be in 10 places at once and you need to remember that.

Any other helpful tips?
Lemme know, Summa x


  1. Some great tips here that I really need to listen to! I have so much going on that I really need a break. xx

    Jessie | allthingsbeautiful-x
